
Part of Something Bigger than Yourself

Since the beginning God has been developing a community that trusts Him. Long before humans could use complicated metal like iron, God made a promise to Abraham that his descendants would be more than the starts in the sky. It's interesting to note that his wife Sarah was 90 years old and well past menopause. So out of barrenness God called his community because God's work is clearest when the odds are impossibly against Him.

Multiple times these descendants of Abraham run past the brink of destruction and should have faded like so many conquered tribes of antiquity. It's a regular pattern and by all reasonable accounts they should have disappeared under the boot of powerful empires. But God keeps rescuing them after they are conquered. Part of God's fondness for losers is what it demonstrates about Him. Nobody is surprised when winners find success. When God helps losers overcome impossible odds His assistance isn't easily ignored, no matter how much we try.

By the time Jesus shows up the people believed that their bloodline makes them special. This was quickly sorted out when non-Jews were welcomed into Jesus' Kingdom with open arms. It seems like no barrier can hold back God as he calls more and more people into his community.

Jesus' close friend John was given a vision of the full beauty of God's Kingdom. He describes this community so vast it can't be counted singing of their love for God. This ocean of humanity is joined by all the creatures of the earth as fellow worshipers to the God who is faithful. This is your family. Be a part of something larger than yourself.

At every point this community is characterized by only one quality: We trust God. There is immense room for diversity, when our only common thread is our faith in God. We don't share the same history, ethnicity, ideology, capabilities, values, etc. God's community is made up of people who share nothing in common and frankly should be enemies by all reasonable accounts, but we are drawn together by our affection for God and His affection for these weirdos around us.

Reading Today: Hebrews 1-3

Growing Smaller

There's a curious story about a battle lead by Gideon. When he assembled his army, God told Gideon there are too many soldiers. So the general allowed his men to go home -on the eve of battle. Less than a third stayed for fight. Even with severely diminished numbers God said there are still too many to fight:

The Lord said to Gideon, "The people with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel boast over me, saying, 'My own hand has saved me.'

Finally with less than 1/100th of his original fighting force. Gideon engaged in battle. What an awkward position for Gideon. If they lose it's because Gideon was foolish. If they win it's because the Lord is faithful. Always bet on God's faithfulness.

Jesus spoke to a crowd of over 5000 people and finished his message by turning a meager lunch into a feast for the entire crowd. This was so popular they tried take him on the spot to crown him King against his will. It was the wrong time for His coronation but the crowd didn't care. So Jesus left for the night. The next day the crowd came back because 'hey, free food.'

This time Jesus preached a message that left the crowd grumbling and confused. Even his disciples had trouble with his teaching:

When many of his disciples heard it, they said, "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?"

By the end of the day only 12 men remained by Jesus' side. It's like Jesus was intentionally pushing away the half-hearted spectators.

Bigger isn't always better. Sometimes we need to diminish before God can grow us in the right direction.

How is God growing and shaping your life? What parts of your life need to be reduced to allow room for new growth?

Reading Today: Hebrews 4-6

Deep and Wide

As this study progresses students are challenged to grow in their devotion and commitment to Jesus as a supernatural expression of their faith. Let's call this kind of growth deep. Students are instructed to be a catalyst of a similar growth in those around them. We are to help others to become more devoted and committed to Jesus. Let's call that kind of growth wide.

As a community we are to grow deep and wide.

Deep growth happens when we actively set aside our lives to pay attention to God. It's stopping to marvel at the mystery and majesty of our King. Deep growth happens when God shows up in surprising ways and we realize he is even more faithful, more powerful and more present that we realized. Deep growth is us getting closer to God. Deep growth happens when a devoted follower of Jesus shares her perspective or his joy and the listener responds.

Wide growth happens when the story of Jesus is broadcast generously and lavishly. Wide growth happens when someone hears about Jesus for the second time this week from someone close to them. Wide growth is others getting closer to God. Wide growth happens when a devoted follower of Jesus shares her perspective or his joy and the listener responds.

Jesus puts it like this: A farmer went out to plant a field. As he went, he scattered seeds indiscriminately. Some fell on poor ground offering no yield. Some fell on good ground reproducing 30-100 times.

This is God's pattern for expressing your faith. Good soil, poor soil; everywhere you go throw your seed around. If you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly. Sow lavishly, reap lavishly. Let it out deep and wide.

Reading Today: Hebrews 7-8


Take time today to prepare to facilitate your study group.

Reading Today: Hebrews 9-11

Team Growing

Why is it important for a community to grow deeply trusting God?

Why is it important for a community to grow wider to include more people and more diversity?

Reading Today: Hebrews 12-13