Week 8 - Predictions
This week in summaryDay 1 : Prophecy | Jeremiah 31 |
Day 2 : Jesus is Unique | Psalms 22 |
Day 3 : New Creation | Zachariah 9 |
Day 4 : Knowing my Encounters | Psalms 110 |
Day 5 : My Gifts part 2 | Isaiah 53 |
Day 1 : Prophecy | Jeremiah 31 |
Day 2 : Jesus is Unique | Psalms 22 |
Day 3 : New Creation | Zachariah 9 |
Day 4 : Knowing my Encounters | Psalms 110 |
Day 5 : My Gifts part 2 | Isaiah 53 |
Before Jesus’ life on earth, God spent over 1000 years investing in the Jewish people. Apart from God they should have died as slaves building pyramids for the Pharaohs of Egypt. But God wanted to display his love for mankind using these slaves as a tapestry. He rescued them and built them into a mighty nation - Israel.
The history of God interacting with Israel is peppered with promises and expectation that someday God would give them a King sent from Heaven. They referred to this promise as the “Messiah” or “Son of God.” This King was said to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and turn the hearts of all people toward God not just Jews.
Jesus arrived at a point when Israel was declining and soon after his departure the nation would be completely dissolved. But for those who accepted his invitation to join the Kingdom of Heaven God would reveal that he kept his promise to the descendants of Abraham all along.
These promises from God were known to the people as prophecies and there are over 300 promises about the Messiah and his Kingdom. Jesus was adamant about keeping God’s promises. He fulfilled all 300+ promises in his time on earth proving that he is the Messiah from God. Tomorrow we’ll look at 20 specific promises to see how Jesus fulfilled them.
A prophetic message was often given for two situations: it would address a present issue and future issue yet to be revealed. The same message would address both present and future events. The most practical application of prophecy was answering the present question, “God what should we do now?” Sometimes the same message also foreshadowed a future event that would follow a similar pattern. At its core prophecy is simply a message from God, but God has an ability to teach the same lesson for two different circumstances. A small crisis in the present will demonstrate God’s faithfulness as a setup to us trusting Him later when the stakes are higher.
And that is the point, building trust with God. It builds trust in God when we see the event unfold as He described. For example: You may be facing crushing financial ruin. God might say I’ll save you from this debt, you and your children’s children. There is an imitated situation and God proves himself. Later your grand-children may face a larger financial crisis as they lead a major company. Should they declare bankruptcy? They can remember the time when God saved you from debt and trust that God will save them as he saved you so many years before.
Often a prophecy will be implied though demonstration instead of spoken explicitly. This type of prophecy is similar to profiling – recognizing someone by aspects of who they are. This is how people recognized the association between Jesus and God because they both use similar methods. When Jesus provided food for 5000 people using practically nothing, it was similar to a time the nation of Israel was starving in the desert and God provided food. In his culture the people would have seen the connection and recognized the association between Jesus’s miraculous provision and God’s miraculous provision.
Adapted from How did people know Jesus was coming? by Mark Driscoll
Let’s take a look at some of the specific promises God gave about the coming Messiah and how only Jesus fulfilled these promises.
1) Species: Human, Male born of a woman
Genesis 3:15 says the Messiah would be a man and there would be triumph over the Devil.
The Messiah is human. Not animal, Angel, element, force of nature or period of time.
2) Ethnicity/Family descent: Abraham – Isaac – Jacob – Judah
Genesis 12:3 the messiah will be a descendant of Abraham, he will bless all nations.
Genesis 17:19 God’s promise will be established through Isaac
Numbers 24:17 “a star out of Jacob, a scepter out of Israel.”
Scepter was symbolic of a king.
Gen 49:10 “the scepter with Judah”
The Messiah will come as a male, born from a female. He will come from the family of Abraham but he will come from Isaac, not Ishmael. He’ll come from Jacob not Esau. And he’ll come from Judah, not of any of his other 11 brothers. So now we’re really narrowing down the coming of Jesus and we’re getting a clear picture of the family he will come from and descend from.
3) Born of a Virgin
Isaiah 7:14 “God will give you a sign, the Virgin will give birth to a son, you’re to call him ‘Immanuel’ meaning God with us”
4) Location of Birth: Bethlehem
Micah 5:2 “ out of Bethlehem one to rule, king of kings whose origins are from ancient times.”
Messiah is coming from Bethlehem.
5) Moral status: Perfect
Isaiah 53:9 did nothing wrong, sinless
So, we’re waiting for a man born of a woman, from the family of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah, whose mother would be a virgin who would be born in Bethlehem and would never commit any sin. Right, I mean – we’re getting the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle as it were, and as we put them together we’re coming into a clear and clearer picture of the coming of Jesus long before he actually arrived.
6) Time spent in Egypt
Hosea 11:1 “out of Egypt I will call my son” As a boy, Jesus spent time as a refugee in Egypt
7) Timing: Heralded by another prophet & arriving at the temple.
Isaiah 40:3 “a voice coming before him from the wilderness, prepare the way for God” John the Baptist, cousin of Jesus spent a lot of time Prophesying in the wilderness.
Malachi 3:1 “I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then the Lord will come to his temple.”
There has not been a temple of almost 2000 years. The temple was destroyed in 70ad. The messiah had to come before this. But there had not been a prophet for 400 years prior. This is very specific timing: Must be before the Temple is destroyed and during the time of another prophet. Only the life time of John the Baptist qualifies. Before 400BC prophets were still saying, the messiah is yet to come. After70AD the temple was destroyed. 400BC-70AD, There was no other prophet until John came. The only time the Messiah could come was during the life time of John the Baptist.
8) Miraculous Healer
Isaiah 35:5-6 - heals the blind, ears, deaf, lame, mute
9) Riding a donkey into Jerusalem
Zechariah 9:9 “your King will come with salvation, gentle riding on a donkey”
Kings who rode horses established their authority through war and conquest. Kings who rode donkeys were established by peace. This is symbolic of a mission of peace and that his authority came from God, not military strength.
10) Betrayed by a close friend …
Psalm 41:9 betrayed by a close friend
11) … for 30 pieces of silver, the money would be used to by potter’s field
Zachariah 11:12-13 they paid 30 pieces of silver
Again the details are astonishing; that the women would give birth to a son who came from the line Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah, that the mother would be a virgin and she would give birth to the son in Bethlehem. That as a boy he would be taken to Egypt that he would grow up without committing any sin. That he would go to the temple before 70 AD. Those later in life, a friend of his, who say him perform the miracles that were prophesied and had broken bread with him on many occasions, would betray him for 30 pieces of silver, which would be thrown in to disgust into the temple and used to buy potter’s field.
12) Silent in his defense
Isaiah 53:7 oppressed and afflicted did not open his mouth
13) Striped of his clothes
Psalm 22:18 divided garments, cast lots
14) Beaten
Isaiah 50:6, Offered my back to those who beat me.
15) No bones broken
Exodus 12:4-6 not a bone will be broken (Passover sacrifice)
Psalms 34:20 not a bone will be broken (Messiah)
16) Specific wounds
Psalms 22:16 pierced my hands and feet
Zachariah 12:10 pierced my side
17) Forsaken by God
Psalms 22:1 Forsaken by God, - taking our sin upon himself
False accusations would be made and he would not defend himself. He would maintain his dignity, and he would continue forth with his mission. His back would be bloodied that his reputation would be attached. That he would be crucified through his hands and his feet between two thieves. The garments that he wore would be stripped off, would be taken from him and be distributed. One piece of which would be won by someone in a dice game. And that none of his bones would be broken but on the cross he would be forsaken by God the Father.
18) Executed beside sinners
Isaiah 53:12 murdered and placed with sinners
19) Died
Isaiah 53:9 cut off from the land of the living, assigned a grave with wicked, although he had done no violence, nor deceit, rich man’s tomb
Was Jesus put to death with sinners? -One on his right, one on his left, in fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah. That not only would he be put to death, look at the details leading up to death of Jesus, betrayed by a close friend who ate meals with him, for 30 pieces of silver that was used to buy a field. Falsely accused, despised hated, people saying atrocious things about him, mocked, pierced through the hands and the feet and side, and crucified with thieves who were guilty and deserved to die.
20) Resurrected
Psalms 16:10 “You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your holy one see decay”
Psalms 49:15
Isaiah 53:10 Guilt offering Sacrifice, see his offspring, prolong his days. the Will of God will prosper in his hand after the suffering of his soul. He will see the light of life and be satisfied.
Did Jesus rise from death? Yes. He did. And it was seen by multitudes of people, upward of 500 at a time. His mothers, his brothers, saw it. His friends his enemies saw it. Crowds saw it. Men and women saw it. Young and old saw it. It was a fact. And he maintained his witness of being alive for 40 days. Even with the doubters like Thomas, “Touch my scars, I was dead and now I’m alive.” That happened on a Sunday, that’s why we worship on Sunday.
Did Jesus set up his life so that all the things met the prophecy? You don’t pick your mom, your place of birth. And after you die you don’t have a big say in where they put you. I mean, these are things before he was born and after he died that were promised in Scripture showing that not only is it all true but it is beyond a shadow of a doubt, factual that these were not situations manufactured by Jesus, to fool us.
21) Ascended
Psalm 68:18, when you ascended on high you lead captives in your train
22) Given Authority
Psalms 110:1 “The Lord says to my Lord, sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies a footstool at your feet.”
You have to confess, we really whittled down the list. You got to find a guy whose mom was a virgin that was born in Bethlehem before 70 AD died and is still alive. It is a very short list. Even if you went to public school, you go, “That’s a short list right there.” I went to public school and I think – I mean, it’s a short list. I’ve heard other people say, “Well, maybe it was somebody else.” Who? Give me one other dude with this resume. You know, there is no one else. Jesus is the fulfillment of all these prophecies. And not only that but it tells us, “That he will ascended into heaven and sit at the right hand of God.” So it completes the whole full circle ministry of Jesus from; in heaven to the earth, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, back into heaven at the right hand of the Father.
How could a small group of uneducated fishermen start a movement that turned the world upside down? In the presence of Jesus they became brilliant. Following Jesus causes us to become brilliant too.
Following Jesus changes us.
He changes our minds: Our beliefs and priorities. We see the world differently. Our view that the world revolves around us doesn’t work. Jesus teaches us to see from God’s perspective.
Old way: the world is my only supply. Work for what’s mine, fight to keep it.
New way: God is my supply, and he is limitless. He’s given me so much, What can I give to others?
Jesus changes our behavior: our life style and life choices follow our belief. We see how living Jesus’ way is better. We are able to live by faith and not limited to what is tangible.
Jesus changes our hearts: our desires. We can’t look at people for what we can get out of them. We start to see the people through God’s loving perspective. We look for ways to give instead of ways to take.
This leaves us with an internal conflict. We continue following the old familiar patterns that we’ve learned to depend on but we also stepping out in faith slowly replacing those patterns. We are learning a new way to live. Like Jesus.
This week get to know some of the people you encounter regularly. Remember God loves them as his children. As children of the King of the universe they are VIPs, but then again so are you.
You can be a bridge between your encounters and God. They may be indifferent to God, hostile towards Him or they may be living in step with God. No matter where they are on life’s journey, there is room for growth and greater trust in God. There is a reason God put them in your life and they may be a source of growth for your faith.
Time to get better acquainted. Try learning about their family or interests. If you need some ice breaker suggestions try the following:
Discover your spiritual gifts
For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, 5 so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. 6 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; 7 if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; 8 the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who gives, in generosity; the one who leads, diligently; the one who acts with mercy, cheerfully. - Romans 12
8 For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
- 1 Corinthians 12:8-10
27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. 28 And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But earnestly desire the higher gifts.
- 1 Corinthians 12:27-31
The greatest of these is love.
- 1 Corinthians 13:13
Do you recognize yourself in the description of any of these gifts?
If so which one(s)?
How have you seen these gifts in your life?
What advantage is there to having people with different strengths working together?
Faith Trusting God with all aspects of life not just spiritual maters
Service (helper) willingness to serve time and energy in any task that needs to be done.
Service (skilled crafter) willingness use your skills to accomplish the task
Exhort motivational, persuasive
Giving financial or material generosity
Leadership influencing people
Administration drives a group to accomplish a goal, keeping focused on the vision, making peace
Mercy special compassion, love for the overlooked
Wisdom God-given insight about living rightly with God.
Discernment the ability to correctly identify if a situation, spirit or message serves God’s agenda or someone else.
Knowledge ability to understand truth revealed by God.
Interpretation the ability to take a message and connect with an audience.
Linguistics (tongues) includes supernatural ability to speak a language previously unknown, the ability to effectively a message translate between languages.
Healing ability to restore a person physically, emotionally, spiritually and/or their relationships.
Miracles Extraordinary occurrence that reveals God’s love for humanity.
Help willingness to give your time and work beyond your skill set to help others
Love always hopes, trusts and is demonstrated by sacrifice.
Are some gifts higher than others? Which gifts are more desirable to humans, which gifts are more desirable to God?
Desired by humans/Why?
Preferred by God/Why?
Why would apostles and teachers be more useful than administration or miracles?
Which gift is the greatest and why?
Do you recognize yourself in the description of any of these gifts? which one(s)?